Thursday, December 17, 2009

picture of mass movement was sick so it's late

Landslide it is when the lose rock or soil and rock fall down a steep slope.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

When is mud dangerous?

1. What conditions might cause mud to flow?
The conditions would be that the hill or what ever the mud is sliding down is steep, it has been raining, an earthquake just happened, and maybe there was a volcanic eruption.
2. What conclusion can you draw from the two images?
The steeper the hill the faster the mud will flow or the steeper the hill the more likely there will be a mudflow.

3. List at least two ways you could make the mud slide off the 30° slide plane without changing the plane's angle?

You could make the mud more of a liquid or you could shake the board.

4. What conditions in nature would be represented by the answers you gave for question 3?

The liquid one would be a heavy rain and the shaking one would be an earthquake.

5. List at least two factors that contribute to the formation of mudflows on volcanoes.
When the volcano erupts it shoots out ash and melts snow and ice and the water and ash mix together to make a mudflow. Also the ash is still left on the ground and when it rains the rain causes the ash to make a mudflow.

6. How might forest fires affect an area's potential for experiencing mudflows?

Since the fires leave all this loose ash when it rains it should start a mudflow very easy.

7. Hypothesize about how mudflows could change the topography of an area after a fire.

I think that a mudflow in a area that just had a forest fire wouldn't really do to much because everything standing already got burned, but if it carried far enough to the trees standing, then it would do some damage.

8. What human activities strip soil of its protective vegetation and increase its vulnerability to mudflows?

Some activities that strip soil of its protective vegetation that humans do are farming, cutting down trees, and construction.

9. Write a paragraph describing the conditions that cause dangerous mudflows. Include the types of locations where mudslides are most likely to occur.

Mudflows usually happen because of three reasons and they're volcanoes, earthquakes, and heavy rain. Volcanoes cause mudflows because they build up so much ash that is on its steep slope, so then rain or melted snow can easily make the ash into a mudflow. Earthquakes cause mudflows because they shake the soil and if the soil isn't tightly pack or if it is on a steep slope then it will also cause a mudflow. Heavy rain causes mudflows because the rain mixes with the lose soil or ash that has built up and turns it into a mudflow. Those are the three main reasons for a mudflow.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

earthquake part 1 and 2

  1. About 20 happen in the last day.
  2. About 35 have happened in the last day.
  3. found it
  4.  magnitude 6.0
  5.  Southern East Pacific Rise 
  6. divergent boundary


  1.  Kavarna, Bulgaria 
  2.  magnitude 3.7
  3. Close to a convergent boundary
  4. It didn’t hurt anyone, but sent school students to the courtyard.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

number 8

a. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is formed from divergent boundary between oceanic oceanic plates it's an mid-oceanic ridge.
Kuril Trench is formed by a convergent boundary between oceanic continental plates it's an oceanic trench.
Philippine Islands are a convergent boundary between oceanic oceanic plates it's an island arc.
East African Rift Valley is a divergent boundary between continental continental it's a rift valley.
e. Red Sea is formed by a divergent boundary between continental continental it was formed from a rift valley.
Peru-Chile Trench by a convergent boundary between oceanic continental it's an oceanic trench.
Aleutian Islands by a convergent boundary between oceanic oceanic it's an island arc.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Plate Boundaries with out number 8

1.divergent boundaries, convergent boundaries, transform boundaries

2.Divergent is when the plates are moving in opposite directions, this happens because magma is pushing up from the mantle and is creating new crust.

3.Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Iceland, Active volcano

4.Convergent is when the crust recycles when one plate goes under the other.

oceanic-oceanic convergence

oceanic-continental convergence continental-continental convergence
6. a. Large ocean trenches form b. large ocean trenches form c. causes large mountains
7. It is when the plates go up or down to each other. earthquakes or trenches.
San Andreas fault zone in California.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Geologic timeline questions

1. Multi-cellular life began because the surface of the earth had water on it and the atmosphere began to fill with oxygen. Plus the heavy bombardment ended so life wouldn't be killed by the explosions. With this environment life evolved from single-cellular to multi-cellular.
2. The Archaean Eon because Earth, the oceans, and the moon were formed. Also the heavy bombardment ended to, so the most important events happened during the first eon.
3. Humans are not significant at all compared to the entire history because the Earth is 4.5 billion years old and humans first were around like 20,000 to 40,000 years ago. So the Earth has been human free for around 4,499,980,000 years, so they haven't been around long enough to be significant.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

fossil homework

I believe this fish is a mold and cast because it is an imprint on a rock instead of being the regular bone or the mineral.

This fossil is an example of replaced remains because it's still being dug up and it been slowly replaced by rock minerals and now is a rock instead of a bone.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Three is first because it is a cross-cutting relationship.
One is next because of superposition.
Then six because its below 1 and in superposition whatever is on top is the youngest.
After that is two because it is a cross-cutting relationship and sense it's that its younger than all the surrounding layers.
Then it's five because of superposition.
Finally it's four because it's the lowest layer that's not a cross-cutting relationship layer.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


  • Bob is born
  • Bob loses his first tooth
  • Bob is tall enough to ride the roller coaster
  • Bob starts middle school
  • Bob gets his driver’s license
  • Bob graduates from high school
  • Bob joins the Marines
  • Bob gets married
The ones that could be in different places are being tall enough to be on a roller coaster, getting his driver's license, joins the marines, and gets married.
It's not possible to know because you can marry at any age. If I had to guess I would guess 22 so he could go right out of high school to the marines, then come home and get married